The summer is coming to an end, can only wonder the public complaints of economy and the life of recession. Has all the optimism and hope been lost for the future? I think it still is true that the ONLY POSITIVE THINKING BRINGS RESULTS!
Now we have finally enjoy the warm summer weather and all is ok. We at Soft Protector have begun a new era, what has been prepared the beginning of the year. The renewed website, e-marketing, as well as the appearance of the logo will begin to show to the outside world. It is interesting to start a new development, but at the beginning can not foresee, what amount of work and activities have been carried out before the implementation of the reforms. On the other hand now is a good time to invest in the future. After all, it has already begun! Everything moves towards internet.
Exports have also always been important to me. When active, then the world is full of possibilities. It is interesting that in our environmental thinking is now emphasized also in China and the Middle east. Finnish persistence and innovation will bring results.
I have always said that in Finland it is more difficult to buy than to sell. This has been the starting point for all the changes. I want the purchase of Softcare products and access to information, as well as finding a distributor, to be for consumers and buyers as easy as possible. Internet must contains the information what we are looking for, easily and effortlessly. I would like business with Soft Protector Ltd and purchase of Softcare products to be an enjoyable experience. If for some reason it is not, then give feedback to our website. We can always improve and do more to achieve our goal.
I wish you all good moments on the new website. I hope you will also find our environmentally friendly products, made in Finland, to help your life.
Reijo Saunamäki